Resignation Letter


Dear [BOSS],

Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation as [JOB TITLE], at [COMPANY]. My last day will be [DATE].

Normally this section of a resignation letter is reserved to thank the boss and company for all the wonderful opportunities the job provided and the learning experiences at soon to be former job – obviously, I can’t do that if this is to be an honest letter. In lieu of the usual niceties, please enjoy this excerpt from an article in the Harvard Business Review:

 A study of 3,122 Swedish male employees found that those who work for toxic bosses were 60% more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening cardiac condition. Other studies in American workplaces show that people with toxic bosses are more susceptible to chronic stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which increase the risk of a lowered immune system, colds, strokes, and even heart attacks. Some studies show that it may take up to 22 months to recover physically and emotionally from a toxic boss. 

The combination of your incompetence and confidence has truly made for an extremely stressful work environment. Having a walking Dunning-Kruger effect as a boss has made any growth in this position impossible. I’m sure none of this is a surprise to you, as you have asked me to lie to [BOSS’S BOSS] in order to coverup your many failings.

During the next two weeks, I’ll help with the transition of my departure, but as you’ve let me know many times, you know how to do my job perfectly – you just don’t have the time (despite never being in the office, not showing any evidence of skill, knowledge, or competence) I’m sure my assistance won’t be needed at all.
